
Wim Hof Fundamentals, 23/11

Put yourself in the expert hands of Sandra, a certified WHM Instructor, to learn the 3 pillars of the Wim Hof Method: Breathing Technique, Cold Exposure & Commitment.

Find out how you can utilize oxygen and cold exposure to optimize body & mind, and learn about the underlying physiology.

Avancerad Wim Hof Method, 14/12

With a basic level of WHM familiarity understood, the Instructor puts together a program with more advanced techniques, suitable for participants who are not apprehensive about an ice bath of up to 10 minutes. You might venture out into a natural icy stream, or engage in a breathing session comprising several consecutive rounds. The goal here as always is not reckless daring, but careful, curious exploration.

Vilsam jul- Gongbad med Sankalpa, 28/12

Workshopen är för dig som vill starta 2025 med en mer tydlig riktning. Som Cheshirekatten säger till Alice i Underlandet: ”Om du inte vet vart du ska, spelar det ingen roll vilken väg du tar.” Så ta dig tid för att hitta just din riktning, hitta hem! ❤️

Annandagsyoga, 29/12

Som traditionen bjuder möts vi på Annandagen, precis när det behövs lite space från julfirandet, för en lång skön klass med djup återhämtning och det lilla extra magiska glittret. ❤️

Happy hips & shoulders: A Flexibility & Mobility special, 18/1

In this workshop we’ll work towards increasing flexibility and mobility in the shoulders and the hips while also developing strength and endurance. And we’ll have fun while at it!

Whether you experience occasional tightness or discomfort in your hips and shoulders, want to complement your yoga practice or other forms of training or simply want to experience greater freedom in your body this workshop is for you.