Qi healing massage

I invite you to explore the nurturing awareness of your body through Qi Healing Massage, a holistic healing system rooted in Chinese medicine and the ancient wisdom of Qi Gong. This powerful technique balances the body’s energy flow, promoting overall well-being through gentle yet deep energetic bodywork, movement, and massage.

During an Ayurvedic Yoga Massage, you’ll experience deep stimulations, opening stretching, Calamus powder’s stimulating and detoxifying application, skillfully applied with slow, deep strokes using the hands and feet. This exquisite blend of techniques results in a unique experience that makes you feel rejuvenated and balanced.

Together, we will explore ways to open spaces within the body, releasing tension to foster a sense of grounding, vitality, and renewal. My practice, informed by a deep foundation in performing arts and somatic movement, emphasizes the dynamic nature of the body as an energy system in constant change.

Highersense Hot Yoga Lund

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About Benjamin Lindh Medin

Benjamin Lindh Medin is a movement artist, holistic bodyworker, and teacher specializing in Qi Gong, meditation, creative movement, and healing practices. He has developed The Listening Body, a practice that bridges artistic expression with holistic healing. Through Qi Healing Massage, dance, and meditation, Benjamin guides

Benjamin Lindh Medin